#C15LV RAC Attack wrap

Did I say in some of my previous posts that I love RAC Attack? I love it more during Collaborate conference, because doing it as a pre-conference workshop is just the right way the get people involved and go straight to the goal: learning while having fun together.

We had way less people than expected but it still has been a great success!

The t-shirts have been great for coloring the room: as soon as people finished the installation of the first Linux VM, they’ve got one t-shirt.

Look at the room at the beginning of the workshop:



after a few hours, the room looked better! New ninjas, red stack, happy participants 🙂


We had a very special guest today. Mr. RAC PM in person has tried and validated our installation instructions 😉

We got pizza again, but because of restrictions at the convention center, it has been a beer-free afternoon 🙁

Thank you anyway to the OTN for sponsoring almost everything!!



Looking forward to organize the next RAC Attack, Thank you guys!! 🙂








RAC Attack at IOUG Collaborate 2015

Once again this year the RAC Attack will be a pre-conference workshop at Collaborate.

Whether you’re a sysadmin, a developer or a DBA, I’m sure you will really enjoy this workshop. Why?

First, you get the opportunity to install a RAC 12c using Virtualbox on your laptop and get coached by many RAC experts, Oracle ACEs and ACE Directors, OCMs and famous bloggers and technologists.

If you’ve never installed it, it will be very challenging because you get hands on network components, shared disks, udev, DNS, Virtual Machine cloning, OS install and so on, and being super-user (root) of your own cluster!! If your a developer, you can then start developing your applications by testing the failover features of RAC and their scalability by checking for global cache wait events.

If you’re already used to RAC, this year we have not one or two, but three deals for you:

  1. Try the semi-automated RAC installation using Vagrant: you’ll be able to have your RAC up and running in minutes and concentrate on advanced features.
  2. Implement advanced labs such as Flex Cluster and Flex ASM or Policy Managed Databases, and discover Hub and Leaf nodes, Server Pools and other features
  3. Ask the ninjas to show you other advanced scenarios or just discuss about other RAC related topics


Isn’t enough?

The participants that will complete at least the Linux install (very first stage of the workshop) will get an OTN-sponsored T-shirt of the event, with the very new RAC SIG Logo (the image is purely indicative, the actual design may change):



Still not enough?

We’ll have free pizza (at lunch) and beer (in the afternoon), again sponsored by the Oracle Technology Network. Can’t believe it? Look at a few images from last year’s edition:





Check the pre-conference workshops on the IOUG Collaborate 15 website and don’t forget to full-fill the requirements before attending the workshop:

To participate in the workshop, participants need to bring their own laptop. Recommended specification: a) any 64 bit OS that supports Oracle Virtual Box b) 8GB RAM, 45GB free HDD space, SSD recommended.

Important: it’s required to pre-download Oracle Database 12c and Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c for Linux x86-64 from the Oracle Website http://tinyurl.com/rac12c-dl (four files: linuxamd64_12c_database_1of2.zip linuxamd64_12c_database_2of2.zip linuxamd64_12c_grid_1of2.zip linuxamd64_12c_grid_2of2.zip). Due to license restrictions it’s not be possible to distribute Oracle Sofware.

Looking forward to meet you there!!!



RAC Attack 12c arrive en Suisse en Septembre!

carte_suisse - CopieAprès Oracle Open World, IOUG Collaborate et d’autres grandes conférencesRAC Attack arrive également à Genève! Installez l’environnement Oracle 12c RAC sur votre laptop. Des volontaires expérimentés (ninjas) vous aideront à résoudre
toutes les énigmes apparentés et vous guideront à travers le processus

Ludovico Caldara – Oracle ACE, RAC SIG European Chair & RAC Attack co-writer
Luca Canali – OAK Table Member & frequent speaker
Eric Grancher – OAK Table member
Jacques Kostic – OCM 11g & Senior Consultant at Trivadis

Où? nouveaux bureaux Trivadis, Chemin Château-Bloch 11, CH1219 Geneva
Quand? Mercredi 17 September 2014, dès 17h00
Coût? C’est un évènement GRATUIT! C’est un atelier communautaire, plaisant et
informel. Vous n’avez qu’à apporter votre laptop et votre bonne humeur!
Inscription: TVD_LS_ADMIN@trivadis.com

Places limitées! Réservez votre place & votre T-shirt dès à présent: TVD_LS_ADMIN@trivadis.com

17.00 – Bienvenue
17.30 – RAC Attack 12c – 1ere partie
19.30 – Pizza et Bières! (sponsorisés par Trivadis)
20.00 – RAC Attack 12c – 2eme partie
22.00 – distribution des T-shirt et photo de groupe!!

TRES IMPORTANT: La participation à cet évènement requière l’apport de votre propre laptop!
Spécifications requises:
a) 64 bit OS qui supporte Oracle Virtual Box
b) 8GB RAM, 50GB free HDD space.
En raison de contraintes juridiques, merci de télécharger à l’avance Oracle Database 12c ainsi que Grid Infrastructure pour Linux x86-64 depuis https://edelivery.oracle.com/ (et pour
plus d’informations : http://goo.gl/pqavYh).

RAC Attack comes to Switzerland in September!!

carte_suisse - CopieAfter Oracle Open World, IOUG Collaborate and all major conferences, RAC Attack comes to Geneva! Set up Oracle 12c RAC environment on your laptop. Experienced volunteers (ninjas) will help you address any related issues and guide you through the setup process.

Ludovico Caldara – Oracle ACE, RAC SIG European Chair & RAC Attack co-writer
Luca Canali – OAK Table Member and frequent speaker
Eric Grancher – OAK Table member
Jacques Kostic – OCM 11g & Senior Consultant at Trivadis

Where? new Trivadis office, Chemin Château-Bloch 11, CH1219 Geneva
When? Wednesday September 17th 2014, from 17h00 onwards
Cost? It is a FREE event! It is a community based, informal and enjoyable workshop.
You just need to bring your laptop and your desire to have fun!
Registration: TVD_LS_ADMIN@trivadis.com

Limited places! Reserve your seat and T-shirt now: TVD_LS_ADMIN@trivadis.com

17.00 – Welcome
17.30 – RAC Attack 12c part I
19.30 – Pizza and Beers! (kindly sponsored by Trivadis)
20.00 – RAC Attack 12c part II
22.00 – T-shirt distribution and group photo!!


VERY IMPORTANT: To participate in the workshop, you need to bring your own laptop.
Required specification:
a) any 64 bit OS that supports Oracle Virtual Box
b) 8GB RAM, 50GB free HDD space.
Due to legal constraints, please pre-download Oracle Database 12c and Grid Infrastructure for Linux x86-64 from https://edelivery.oracle.com/ web site (further
information here: http://goo.gl/pqavYh).