How to fix CPU usage problem in 12c due to DBMS_FEATURE_AWR

I love my job because I always have suprises. This week’s surprise has been another problem related to SQL Plan Directives in 12c. Because it is a common problem that potentially affects ALL the customers, I am glad to share the solution on my blog 😀

Symptom of the problem: High CPU usage on the server

My customer’s DBA team has spotted a consistent high CPU utilisation on its servers:


Everyday, at the same time, and for 20-40 minutes, the servers hosting the Oracle databases run literally out of CPU.




Ok, it would be too easy to give the solution now. If you cannot wait, jump at the end of this post. But what I like more is to explain how I came to it.

First, I gave a look at the processes consuming CPU. Most of the servers have many consolidated databases on them. Surprisingly, this is what I have found:

spd_awr_high_cpu_m001It seems that the source of the problem is not a single database, but all of them. Isn’t it? And I see another pattern here: the CPU usage comes always from the [m001] process, so it is not related to a user process.

My customer has Diagnostic Pack so it is easy to go deeper, but you can get the same result with other free tools like s-ash, statspack and snapper. However, this is what I have found in the Instance Top Activity:

spd_awr_high_cpu_instOk, everything comes from a single query with sql_id auyf8px9ywc6j. This is the full sql_text:

It looks like something made by a DBA, but it comes from the MMON.

Looking around, it seems closely related to two PL/SQL calls that I could find in the SQL Monitor and that systematically fail every day:

spd_cpu_sql_monitorDBMS_FEATURE_AWR function calls internally the SQL auyf8px9ywc6j.

The MOS does not know anything about that query, but the internet does:

spd_awr_franckOh no, not Franck again! He always discovers new stuff and blogs about it before I do 🙂

In his blog post, he points out that the query fails because of error ORA-12751 (resource plan limiting CPU usage) and that  it is a problem of Adaptive Dynamic Sampling. Is it true?

What I like to do when I have a problematic sql_id, is to run sqld360 from Mauro Pagano, but the resulting zip file does not contain anything useful, because actually there are no executions and no plans.

During the execution of the statement (or better, during the period with high CPU usage), there is an entry in v$sql, but no plans associated:

And this is very likely because the statement is still parsing, and all the time is due to the Dynamic Sampling. But because the plan is not there yet, I cannot check it in the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR.

I decided then to trace it with those two statements:

At the next execution I see indeed the Adaptive Dynamic Sampling in the trace file, the errror due to the exhausted CPU in the resource plan, and the directives that caused the Adaptive Dynamic Sampling:



So, there are some SQL Plan Directives that force the CBO to run ADS for this query.

This query touches three tables, so instead of relying on the DIRECTIVE_IDs, it’s better to get the directives by object name:


At this point, the solution is the same already pointed out in one of my previous blog posts: disable the directives individually!

This very same PL/SQL block must be run on ALL the 12c databases affected by this Adaptive Dynamic Sampling problem on the sql_id auyf8px9ywc6j.

If you have just migrated the database to 12c, it would make even more sense to programmatically “inject” the disabled SQL Plan Directives into every freshly created or upgraded 12c database (until Oracle releases a patch for this non-bug).

It comes without saying that the next execution has been very quick, consuming almost no CPU and without using ADS.




Bash tips & tricks [ep. 7]: Cleanup on EXIT with a trap

This is the seventh epidose of a small series.


Pipes, temporary files, lock files, processes spawned in background, rows inserted in a status table that need to be updated… Everything need to be cleaned up if the script exits, even when the exit condition is not triggered inside the script.


The worst practice is, of course, to forget to cleanup the tempfiles, leaving my output and temporary directories full of files *.tmp, *.pipe, *.lck, etc. I will not show the code because the list of bad practices is quite long…

Better than forgiving to cleanup, but still very bad, is to cleanup everything just before triggering the exit command (in the following example, F_check_exit is a function that exits the script if the first argument is non-zero, as defined it in the previous episode):

A better approach, would be to put all the cleanup tasks in a Cleanup()  function and then call this function instead of duplicating all the code everywhere:

But still, I need to make sure that I insert this piece of code everywhere. Not optimal yet.

I may include the Cleanup function inside the F_check_exit function, but then I have two inconvenients:
1 – I need to define the Cleanup function in every script that includes my include file
2 – still there will be exit conditions that are not trapped


The good approach would be to trap the EXIT signal with the Cleanup function:

Much better! But what if my include script has some logic that also creates some temporary files?

I can create a global F_Cleanup function that eventually executes the local Cleanup function, if defined. Let me show this:

Include script:

Main script:

The Cleanup function will be executed only if defined.

No Cleanup function: no worries, but still the F_Cleanup function can do some global cleanup not specific to the main script.

Bash tips & tricks [ep. 6]: Check the exit code

This is the sixth epidose of a small series.


Every command in a script may fail due to external reasons. Bash programming is not functional programming! 🙂

After running a command, make sure that you check the exit code and either raise a warning or exit with an error, depending on how a failure can impact the execution of the script.


The worst example is not to check the exit code at all:

Next one is better, but you may have a lot of additional code to type:

Again, Log_Close, eok, eerror, etc are functions defined using the previous Bash Tips & Tricks in this series.


Define once the check functions that you will use after every command:


Bash tips & tricks [ep. 5]: Write the output to a logfile

This is the fifth epidose of a small series.


Logging the output of the scripts to a file is very important. There are several ways to achieve it, I will just show one of my favorites.


You can log badly either from the script to a log file:

or by redirecting badly the standard output of the script:


My favorite solution is to automatically open a pipe that will receive from the standard output and redirect to the logfile. With this solution, I can programmatically define my logfile name inside the script (based on the script name and input parameters for example) and forget about redirecting the output everytime that I run a command.

(*) the functions edebug, einfo, etc, have to be created using the guidelines I have used in this post: Bash tips & tricks [ep. 4]: Use logging levels

The -Z parameter can be used to intentionally avoid logging.

Again, all this stuff (function definitions and variables) should be put in a global include file.

If I execute it:


Bash tips & tricks [ep. 4]: Use logging levels

This is the fourth epidose of a small series.


Support different logging levels natively in your scripts so that your code will be more stable and maintainable.




Nothing to invent, there are already a few blog posts around about the best practices for log messages. I personally like the one from Michael Wayne Goodman:

I have reused his code in my scripts with very few modifications to fit my needs:

The edumpvar is handy to have the status of several variables at once:

If you couple the verbosity level with input parameters you can have something quite clever (e.g. -s for silent, -V for verbose, -G for debug). I’m putting everything into one single snippet just as example, but as you can imagine, you should seriously put all the fixed variables and functions inside an external file that you will systematically include in your scripts:





It does not take into account the output file. That will be part of the next tip 🙂

Bash tips & tricks [ep. 3]: Colour your terminal!

This is the third epidose of a small series.


The days of monochrome green-on-black screens are over, in a remote shell  terminal you can have something fancier!




Define a series of variables as shortcuts for color escape codes, there are plenty of examples on internet.

Use them whenever you need to highlight the output of a script, and eventually integrate them in a smart prompt (like the one I’ve blogged about sometimes ago).bash_prompt_color

The echo builtin command requires -e in order to make the colours work. When reading files, cat works, less requires -r. vi may work with some hacking, but it’s not worth to spend too much time, IMHO.

Bash tips & tricks [ep. 2]: Have a smart environment for personal accounts

This is the second epidose of a small series.


The main technical account (oracle here) usually has the smart environment, with aliases, scripts avilable at fingertips, correct environment variables and functions.

When working with personal accounts, it may be boring to set the new environment at each login, copy it from a golden copy or reinvent the wheel everytime.




Distribute a standard .bash_profile that calls a central profile script valid for all the users:

Make your common environment as smart as possible. If any commands need to be run differently depending on the user (oracle or not oracle), just use a simple if:

The goal of course is to avoid as many types as you can, and let all your colleagues profit of the smart environment.

Getting the DBID and Incarnation from the RMAN Catalog

Using the RMAN catalog is an option. There is a long discussion between DBAs on whether should you use the catalog or not.

But because I like (a lot) the RMAN catalog and I generally use it, I assume that most of you do it 😉

When you want to restore from the RMAN catalog, you need to get the DBID of the database you want to restore and, sometimes, also the incarnation key.

The DBID is used to identify the database you want to restore. The DBID is different for every newly created / duplicated database, but beware that if you duplicate your database manually (using restore/recover), you actually need to change your DBID using the nid tool, otherwise you will end up by having more than one database registered in the catalog with the very same DBID. This is evil! The DB_NAME is also something that you may want to make sure is unique within your database farm.

The Incarnation Key changes whenever you do an “open resetlogs”, following for example a flashback database, an incomplete recovery, or just a “open resetlogs” without any specific need.

2016-02-15 09_43_34-Sametime Appshare Highlighter

In the image, you can see that you may want to restore to a point in time after the open resetlogs (blue incarnation) or before it (red incarnation). Depending on which one you need to restore, you may need to use the command RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION.

If you have a dynamic and big environment, you probably script your restores procedures, that’s why getting the DBID and incarnation key using the RMAN commands may be more complex than just querying the catalog using sqlplus.

How do I get the history of my database incarnations?

You can get it easily for all your databases using the handy hierarchical queries on the RMAN catalog (db names and ids are obfuscated for obvious reasons):

What about getting the correct DBID/DBINC_KEY pair for a specific database/time?

You can get the time windows for each incarnation using the lead() analytical function:

With this query, you can see that every incarnation has a reset time and a “next reset time”.

It’s easy then to get exactly what you need by adding a couple of where clauses:

So, if I need to restore the database 1465419F until time 2016-01-20 00:00:00, i need to set DBID=1048383773 and reset the database to incarnation 1256014297.



Configuring the MySQL Database Plug-In for Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c

I have blogged in the past about MySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.0 and I was quite happy at the very beginning, but after a while I have to admit that I was missing many of the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c features.

In particular, MEM 3.0 does not have a usable database. In MEM all the tables are crypted and it is not possible to list, for example, all the targets monitored, nor it is possible via API or REST web services because MEM 3.0 lacks these features.

What makes EM12c a GREAT product comparing to MEM, are many features like blackouts, a usable command line interface (emcli), integrated reporting, scheduler, automatic groups… the list would be just huge.

Luckily, Oracle has officially released a MySQL plugin for EM12c, provided that the EM is at least in version

So I’ve upgraded (a while ago) my customer’s EM12c to and decided to try the plugin.

The first step is to download the last version of plugin for MySQL.

I can verify that you have the last version by going to

Setup -> Extensibility -> Self-Update -> Plugins:

2015-08-19 13_54_00-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manager

The agent has been downloaded, but in order to make it available on the targets, I first need to deploy it on the management servers (2 OMSes in my case):

2015-08-19 13_54_24-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manager

Check the plugin name and version:

2015-08-19 13_54_52-Deploy Plug-ins on Management Servers

Verify the prerequisites check (here I have one column per OMS):
2015-08-19 13_55_26-Deploy Plug-ins on Management Servers

Specify the credentials for the Management Repository:
2015-08-19 13_55_39-Deploy Plug-ins on Management Servers
Execute the deploy:

2015-08-19 13_55_52-Deploy Plug-ins on Management Servers     If everything went OK, I’m able to check the status of the deployment:

2015-08-19 13_56_02-Deploy Plug-ins on Management Servers

2015-08-19 13_58_01-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manager

Now I can see that the plugin is correctly deployed on the OMSes, I can do the same for the agents:

2015-08-19 13_58_42-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manager

2015-08-19 13_58_57-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise ManagerI must select one by one the agents that run on the hosts where I have MySQL running. I may select all agents as well, but it’s better to be neat…

2015-08-19 13_59_35-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manageragain, there are prerequisite checks and confirmations:

2015-08-19 13_59_48-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manager

2015-08-19 13_59_54-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise ManagerThe plugin deployment went well:

2015-08-19 14_00_02-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise Manager

2015-08-19 14_01_25-Plug-ins - Oracle Enterprise ManagerNow I can run the target discovery on the agent:

2015-08-19 14_01_49-Setup Discovery - Oracle Enterprise Manager

But the discovery does not find my MySQL targets. What went wrong?

2015-08-19 14_02_19-Setup Discovery - Oracle Enterprise ManagerEach agent has a default list of “discovery modules”  used for the discovery, but by default the MySQL one is not enabled after I install the plugin:

2015-08-19 14_02_50-Discovery Modules_ slv1314p - Oracle Enterprise Managerso it is necessary to activate it and deactivate the discovery modules I do not need:

2015-08-19 14_03_17-Discovery Modules_ slv1314p - Oracle Enterprise ManagerTada! at the next discovery, I have my target available:

2015-08-19 14_03_48-Setup Discovery - Oracle Enterprise ManagerThe target name is automatically set to hostname:mysqlport:

2015-08-19 14_04_01-Auto Discovery Results - Oracle Enterprise Manageras all discovered targets, I need to promote it to have it available for monitoring with EM12c:

2015-08-19 14_22_07-Promote Discovered Target - Oracle Enterprise ManagerThe target is available, now I can use most of the EM12c features to monitor my MySQL environment.

2015-08-19 14_22_56-All Targets - Oracle Enterprise ManagerHTH
