When it comes to using Oracle, trust Oracle…

A month ago, I saw this article published on the AWS architecture blog:

Disaster Recovery for Oracle Database on Amazon EC2 with Fast-Start Failover

I love seeing people suggesting Oracle Data Guard Fast-Start Failover for high availability. Nevertheless, there are a few problems with the architecture and steps proposed in the article.

I sent my comments via Disqus on the AWS blogging platform, but after a month, my comment was rejected, and the blog content hasn’t changed.

For this reason, I don’t have other places to post my comment but here…

  1. The link to the setup procedure is from 2009.
    We have official documentation that we keep up to date. The Fast-Start Failover part:
    and the Best Practices guide:
  2. The part about cascading standbys references a step-by-step guide from an external blog written many years ago for 11gR2.
  3. The DBMS_SERVICE doc is from 12cR1, while other links are from 21c doc or 19c doc. As of today, most implement 19c. That’s probably the version to use.
  4. The steps used to create the database service do not include any HA property, which will make most efforts useless. (see Table 153-6 in the link above).
  5. The article talks about TAF, but no steps exist to configure it. We don’t recommend TAF since 12c anyway. Today (19c), the recommendation is TAC (Transparent Application Continuity).
  6. But, most important, TAF (or Oracle connectivity in general) does NOT require a host IP change! There is no need to change the DNS when using the recommended connection string with multiple address_lists.
  7. Some RedoRoutes examples are not correct. In this video I explain how they work and how to set them up:
  8. The diagram shows the master observer together with the standby database, which is a bad practice. I explain why and how here:

The central message is:

If you need to implement a complex architecture using a software solution, pay attention that the practices suggested by the partner/integrator/3rd party match the ones from the software vendor. In the case of Oracle Data Guard, Oracle knows better 😉




Data Guard, Easy Connect and the Observer for multiple configurations


One of the challenges of automation in bin Oracle Environments is dealing with tnsnames.ora files.
These files might grow big and are sometimes hard to distribute/maintain properly.
The worst is when manual modifications are needed: manual operations, if not made carefully, can screw up the connection to the databases.
The best solution is always using LDAP naming resolution. I have seen customers using OID, OUD, Active Directory, openldapd, all with a great level of control and automation. However, some customer don’t have/want this possibility and keep relying on TNS naming resolution.
When Data Guard (and eventually RAC) are in place, the tnsnames.ora gets filled by entries for the DGConnectIdentifiers and StaticConnectIdentifier. If I add the observer, an additional entry is required to access the dbname_CFG service created by the Fast Start Failover.

Actually, all these entries are not required if I use Easy Connect.

My friend Franck Pachot wrote a couple of nice blog posts about Easy Connect while working with me at CERN:


Basic Data Guard configuration

The basic configuration with Data Guard is quite simple to achieve with Easy Connect. In this examples I have:
– The primary database TOOLCDB1_SITE1
– The duplicated database for standby TOOLCDB1_SITE2

After setting up the static registration (no Grid Infrastructure in my lab):

and copying the passwordfile, the configuration can be created with:

That’s it.

Now, if I want to have the configuration observed, I need to activate the Fast Start Failover:

With just two databases, FastStartFailoverTarget is not explicitly needed, but I usually do it as other databases might be added to the configuration in the future.
After that, the broker complains that FSFO is enabled but there is no observer yet:


Observer for multiple configurations

This feature has been introduced in 12.2 but it is still not widely used.
Before 12.2, the Observer was a foreground process: the DBAs had to start it in a wrapper script executed with nohup in order to keep it live.
Since 12.2, the observer can run as a background process as far as there is a valid wallet for the connection to the databases.
Also, 12.2 introduced the capability of starting multiple configurations with a single dgmgrl command: “START OBSERVING”.

For more information about it, you can check the documentation here:

How to set it up with Easy Connect?

First, I need a wallet. And here comes the first compromise:
Having a single dgmgrl session to start all my configurations means that I have a single wallet for all the databases that I want to observe.
Fair enough, all the DBs (CDBs?) are managed by the same team in this case.
If I have only observers on my host I can easily point to the wallet from my central sqlnet.ora:

Otherwise I need to create a separate TNS_ADMIN for my observer management environment.
Then, I create the wallet:

Now I need to add the connection descriptors.

Which connection descriptors do I need?
The Observer uses the DGConnectIdentifier to keep observing the databases, but needs a connection to both of them using the TOOLCDB1_CFG service (unless I specify something different with the broker configuration property ConfigurationWideServiceName) to connect to the configuration and get the DGConnectIdentifier information. Again, you can check it in the doc. or the note Oracle 12.2 – Simplified OBSERVER Management for Multiple Fast-Start Failover Configurations (Doc ID 2285891.1)

So I need to specify three secrets for three connection descriptors:

The first one will be used for the initial connection. The other two to observe the Primary and Standby.
I need to be careful that the first EZConnect descriptor matches EXACTLY what I put in observer.ora (see next step) and the last two match my DGConnectIdentifier (unless I specify something different with ObserverConnectIdentifier), otherwise I will get some errors and the observer will not observe correctly (or will not start at all).

The dgmgrl needs then a file named observer.ora.
$ORACLE_BASE/admin/observers or the central TNS_ADMIN would be good locations, but what if I have observers that must be started from multiple Oracle Homes?
In that case, having a observer.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin (or $ORACLE_BASE/homes/{OHNAME}/network/admin/ if Read-Only Oracle Home is enabled) would be a better solution: in this case I would need to start one session per Oracle Home

The content of my observer.ora must be something like:

This is the example for my configuration, but I can put as many (CONFIG=…) as I want in order to observe multiple configurations.
Then, if everything is configured properly, I can start all the observers with a single command:


If the observer does not work, sometimes it is not easy to understand the cause.

  • Has SYSDG been granted to SYSDG user? Is SYSDG account unlocked?
  • Does sqlnet.ora contain the correct wallet location?
  • Is the wallet accessible in autologin?
  • Are the entries in the wallet correct? (check with “sqlplus /@connstring as sysdg”)

Missing pieces

Here, a few features that I think would be a nice addition in the future:

  • Awareness for the ORACLE_HOME to be used for each observer
  • Possibility to specify a different TNS_ADMIN per observer (different wallets)
  • Integration with Grid Infrastructure (srvctl add observer…) and support for multiple observers


Real-Time Cascade Standby Container Databases without Oracle Managed Files

OK, the title might not be the best… I just would like to add more detail to content you can already find in other blogs (E.g. this nice one from Philippe Fierens http://pfierens.blogspot.com/2020/04/19c-data-guard-series-part-iii-adding.html).

I have this Cascade Standby configuration:

Years ago I wrote this whitepaper about cascaded standbys:
While it is still relevant for non-CDBs, things have changed with Multitenant architecture.

In my config, the Oracle Database version is 19.7 and the databases are actually CDBs. No Grid Infrastructure, non-OMF datafiles.
It is important to highlight that a lot of things have changed since 12.1. And because 19c is the LTS version now, it does not make sense to try anything older.

First, I just want to make sure that my standbys are aligned.


1st Standby alert log:

2nd Standby alert log:

Then, I create a pluggable database (from PDB$SEED):

On the first standby I get:

On the second:

So, yeah, not having OMF might get you some warnings like: WARNING: File being created with same name as in Primary
But it is good to know that the cascade standby deals well with new PDBs.

Of course, this is not of big interest as I know that the problem with Multitenant comes from CLONING PDBs from either local or remote PDBs in read-write mode.

So let’s try a relocate from another CDB:

This is what I get on the first standby:

and this is on the cascaded standby:

So absolutely the same behavior between the two levels of standby.
According to the documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/sqlrf/CREATE-PLUGGABLE-DATABASE.html#GUID-F2DBA8DD-EEA8-4BB7-A07F-78DC04DB1FFC
I quote what is specified for the parameter STANDBYS={ALL|NONE|…}:
“If you include a PDB in a standby CDB, then during standby recovery the standby CDB will search for the data files for the PDB. If the data files are not found, then standby recovery will stop and you must copy the data files to the correct location before you can restart recovery.”

“Specify ALL to include the new PDB in all standby CDBs. This is the default.”

Specify NONE to exclude the new PDB from all standby CDBs. When a PDB is excluded from all standby CDBs, the PDB’s data files are unnamed and marked offline on all of the standby CDBs. Standby recovery will not stop if the data files for the PDB are not found on the standby. […]”

So, in order to avoid the MRP to crash, I should have included STANDBYS=NONE
But the documentation is not up to date, because in my case the PDB is skipped automatically and the recovery process DOES NOT STOP:

However, the recovery is marked ENABLED for the PDB on the standby, while usind STANDBYS=NONE it would have been DISABLED.

So, another difference with the doc who states:
“You can enable a PDB on a standby CDB after it was excluded on that standby CDB by copying the data files to the correct location, bringing the PDB online, and marking it as enabled for recovery.”

This reflects the findings of Philippe Fierens in his blog (http://pfierens.blogspot.com/2020/04/19c-data-guard-series-part-iii-adding.html).

This behavior has been introduced probably between 12.2 and 19c, but I could not manage to find exactly when, as it is not explicitly stated in the documentation.
However, I remember well that in, the MRP process was crashing.

In my configuration, not on purpose, but interesting for this article, the first standby has the very same directory structure, while the cascaded standby has not.

In any case, there is a potentially big problem for all the customers implementing Multitenant on Data Guard:

With the old behaviour (MRP crashing), it was easy to spot when a PDB was cloned online into a primary database, because a simple dgmgrl “show configuration” whould have displayed a warning because of the increasing lag (following the MRP crash).

With the current behavior, the MRP keeps recovering and the “show configuration” displays “SUCCESS” despite there is a PDB not copied on the standby (thus not protected).

Indeed, this is what I get after the clone:

I can see that the Data Guard Broker is completely silent about the missing PDB. So I might think my PDB is protected while it is not!

I actually have to add a check on the standby DBs to check if I have any missing datafiles:

This check should be implemented and put under monitoring (custom metrics in OEM?)

The missing PDB is easy to spot once I know that I have to do it. However, for each PDB to recover (I might have many!), I have to prepare the rename of datafiles and creation of directory (do not forget I am using non-OMF here).

Now, the datafile names on the standby got changed to …/UNNAMEDnnnnn.

So I have to get the original ones from the primary database and do the same replace that db_file_name_convert would do:

and put this in a rman script (this will be for the second standby, the first has the same name so same PATH):

Then, I need to stop the recovery, start it and stopping again, put the datafiles online and finally restart the recover.
These are the same steps used my Philippe in his blog post, just adapted to my taste 🙂

For the second part, I use this HEREDOC to online all offline datafiles:

and finally:

Now, I do not have anymore any datafiles offline on the standby:

I will not publish the steps for the second standby, they are exactly the same (same output as well).

At the end, for me it is important to highlight that monitoring the OFFLINE datafiles on the standby becomes a crucial point to guarantee the health of Data Guard in Multitenant. Relying on the Broker status or “PDB recovery disabled” is not enough.

On the bright side, it is nice to see that Cascade Standby configurations do not introduce any variation, so cascaded standbys can be threated the same as “direct” standby databases.



Multitenant Pills: Partial PDB cloning (and cleanup)

When consolidating to multitenant, there are several consolidation patterns.

  • Big, complex databases usually have special requirements for which it might be a good choice to go to single-tenant (a single PDB in one CDB)
  • Small, relatively easy databases are the best candidate for consolidation to multitenant
  • Schema consolidated databases require special attention, but in general there are several advantages to convert individual schemas (or group of schemas) to individual PDBs

For the latter, there are some techniques to convert a schema in a PDB.

  • export/import (obviously), with eventually Golden Gate to do it online
  • Transportable tablespaces (if the schemas follow strict 1-to-1 tablespace separation
  • partial PDB cloning

We will focus on the last one for this blog post.


Here we have a PDB with some schemas, each of them has a dedicated tablespace, but accidentally, two of them have also some objects on a common tablespace.

This happens frequently when all the users have quota on the default database tablespace and they do not have necessarily a personal default tablespace.

This is the typical situation where transportable tablespaces become hard to achieve without some upfront segment movement, as tablespaces are not self-contained.

Thankfully, Oracle Multitenant allows us to clone a PDB from a remote one and specify only a subset of tablespaces.

Here is a full example script with some checks and fancy parameters:

This is an example output:

If the clone process succeeds, at the end we should have the new ABC pluggable database with ABC and DATA tablespaces only.


Any Cleanup needed?

What happened to the users? Actually, they are all still there:

And the segments in the two skipped tablespaces are not there:

So the table definitions are also gone?

Not at all! The tables are still there and reference to tablespaces that do not exist anymore. Possible?

Actually, the tablespaces definition are still there if we look at v$tablespace:

If we give a look at the DBA_TABLESPACES view definition, there are a few interesting filters:

What is their meaning?

So the first WHERE clause skips all the INVALID TABLESPACES (when you drop a tablespace it is still stored in ts$ with this state), the second skips the definition of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE GROUPS, the third one is actually our candidate.

Indeed, this is what we get from ts$ for these tablespaces:

So the two tablespaces are filtered out because of this new multitenant flag.

If we try to drop the tablespaces, it succeeds:

But the user GHI, who has no objects anymore, is still there.

So we need to drop it explicitly.

Automate the cleanup

This is an example PL/SQL that is aimed to automate the cleanup.


  • Users that had segments in one of the excluded tablespaces but do not have any segments left are just LOCKED (for security reasons, you can guess why).
  • Tablespaces that meet the “excluded PDB” criteria, are just dropped

This is the output for the clone procedure we have just seen:

The PL/SQL block can be quite slow depending on the segments and tablespaces, so it might be a good idea to have a custom script instead of this automated one.

What about user DEF?

The automated procedure has not locked the account DEF. Why?

Actually, the user DEF still has some segments in the DATA tablespace. Hence, the procedure cannot be sure what was the original intention: copy the user ABC ? The clone procedure allows only to specify the tablespaces, so this is the only possible result.

Promo: If you need to migrate to Multitenant and you need consulting/training, just contact me, I can help you 🙂


Multitenant Pills: Pushing your PDB to the Cloud in one step?

The Oracle Multitenant architecture introduces some nice opportunities, including local and remote cloning (see this example on ORACLE_BASE blog).

However, the only available cloning procedure use the PULL method to get the data from the remote source PDB.

This can be a limitation, especially in environments where the cloning environment does not have direct access to the production, or where the clones must be done in the Cloud with no direct access to the production VLAN on-premises.

So, one common approach is to clone/detach locally, put the PDB files in the Object Store and then attach them in the cloud.

Another approach is to use SSH tunnels. If you follow my blog you can see it is something that I use every now and then to do stuff from on-premises to the cloud.

How to set it up?

Actually, it is super-easy: just prepare a script in the cloud that will do the create pluggable database, then trigger it from on-premises.

This is an example:

It takes as parameters: the name of the source PDB, the name of the target PDB and the SQL*Net descriptor to create the temporary database link from the cloud CDB to the on-premises CDB.

The user C##ONPREM must obviously exist on-premises with the following privileges:

The cloud database should use OMF so you don’t have to take care about file name conversions.

At this point, if you have set up correctly the SSH keys to connect to the cloud server, it is just a matter of running the script remotely using the proper SSH tunnel. Once the remote port binding established, the cloud server can contact the on-premises listener port using localhost:remote_bind:

Of course the timing depends a lot on the size of the database and your connection to the Cloud.

I have tested this procedure with Oracle Database 19.7 on OCI compute instances and on DBaaS VM instance, it works without any additional work. Of course, it does not work for Autonomous Database 🙂


Multitenant Pills – Change DBID for an existing PDB

When you plug the same PDB many times you have to specify “AS COPY” in the syntax:

Otherwise, you will get an error similar to:

There are cases, however, where you cannot do it. For example, it the existing PDB should have been the clone, or if you are converting a copy of the same database from Non-CDB to PDB using autoupgrade (with autoupgrade you cannot modify the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement).

In this case, the solution might be to change the DBID of the existing PDB, via unplug/plug:


EDIT 2024-01-03: If you use Transparent Data Encryption, you have to export the key before you can unplug the PDB, or you will encounter:

Before closing the PDB, just run:

After opening the PDB, you’ll need to import the key again:

Don’t forget to keep your master key exports in a secure place.


Parallel Oracle Catalog/Catproc creation with catpcat.sql

With Oracle 19c, Oracle has released a new script, annotated for parallel execution, to create the CATALOG and CATPROC in parallel at instance creation.

I have a customer who is in the process of migrating massively to Multitenant using many CDBs, so I decided to give it a try to check how much time they could save for the CDB creations.

I have run the tests on my laptop, on a VirtualBox VM with 4 vCPUs.

Test 1: catalog.sql + catproc.sql

In this test, I use the classic way (this is also the case when DBCA creates the scripts):

The catalog is created first on CDB$ROOT and PDB$SEED. Then the catproc is created.

Looking at the very first occurrence of BEGIN_RUNNING (start of catalog for CDB$ROOT) and the very last of END_RUNNING in the log (end of catproc in PDB$SEED), I can see that it took ~ 44 minutes to complete:


Test 2: catpcat.sql

In this test, I use the new catpcat.sql using catctl.pl, with a parallelism of 4 processes:

This creates catalog and catproc first on CDB$ROOT, than creates them on PDB$SEED. So, same steps but in different orders.

By running vmstat in the background, I noticed during the run that most of the time the creation was running serially, and when there was some parallelism, it was short and compensated by a lot of process synchronizations (waits, sleeps) done by the catctl.pl.

At the end, the process took ~ 45 minutes to complete.

So the answer is no: it is not faster to run catpcat.sql with parallel degree 4 compared to running catalog.sql and catproc.sql serially.



ORA-02002 and ORA-00942 while upgrading OWM to 19c

This is a quick post about a problem that we have had while upgrading a DB to 19c.

At 91% of the upgrade, the OWM (Workspace Manager) upgrade was failing with this error error:

Indeed, executing the statement was leading consistently to this problem:

and we have had this result:

So, resuming the autoupgrade job was not a solution.

The view definition is:

but the package wmsys.ltUtil is wrapped, so no chance to understand what was happening.

As a quick fix, we have recompiled the binaries with mixed auditing:

and put the audit_trail=DB in the upgrade pfile (was NONE in this specific case).

After that, restarted the DB in upgrade mode using the same pfile.

After that, the view was giving no errors anymore and we resumed the autoupgrade job.

This is an old troubleshooting method that I call “Database Administration by guess”: I am not sure about the real cause, but the workaround just worked fine for us.

It would be interesting to know if anyone of you have had the same problem, and what were the auditing parameters in your case…


Duplicating a DB and setting up Data Guard through CMAN and SSH tunnel

I am fascinated about the new Zero Downtime Migration tool that has been available since November 28th. Whilst I am still in the process of testing it, there is one big requirement that might cause some headache to some customers. It is about network connectivity:

Configuring Connectivity Between the Source and Target Database Servers

The source database server […] can connect to target database instance over target SCAN through the respecitve scan port and vice versa.
The SCAN of the target should be resolvable from the source database server, and the SCAN of the source should resolve from the target server.
Having connectivity from both sides, you can synchronize between the source database and target database from either side. […]

If you are taking cloud migrations seriously, you should have either a VPN site-to-site to the cloud, or a Fast Connect link. At CERN we are quite lucky to have a high bandwidth Fast Connect to OCI Frankfurt.

This requirement might be missing for many customers, so what is a possible solution to setup connectivity for database duplicates and Data Guard setups?

In the picture above you can see a classic situation, that usually has two problems that must be solved:

  • the SCAN addresses are private: not accessible from internet
  • there are multiple SCAN addresses, so tunneling through all of them might be complex

Is it possible to configure CMAN in front of the SCAN listener as a single IP entry and tunnel through SSH to this single IP?

I will show now how to achieve this configuration.

For sake of simplicity, I have put two single instances without SCAN and a CMAN installation on the database servers, but it will work with little modification using SCAN and RAC setups as well. Note that in a Cloud Infrastructure setup, this will require a correct setup of the TDE wallet on both the source and the destination.

Because I put everything on s single host, I have to setup CMAN to listen to another port, but having a separate host for CMAN is a better practice when it has to proxy to SCAN listeners.

Installing and configuring CMAN

The most important part of the whole setup is that the CMAN on the standby site must have a public IP address and open SSH port so that we can tunnel through it.

The on-premises CMAN must have open access to the standby CMAN port 22.

For both primary and standby site you can follow the instructions of my blog post: Install and configure CMAN 19c in the Oracle Cloud, step by step.

In my example, because I install CMAN on the same host of the DB, I configure CMAN to run on port 1522.

CMAN primary config:

CMAN standby config:

This configuration is not secure at all, you might want to secure it further in order to allow only the services needed for setting up Data Guard.

The registration of database services to CMAN through the the remote_listener parameter is optional, as I will register the entries statically in the listener and use a routed connection through CMAN.

Listener configuration

The listener must have a static entry for the database, so that duplicate and switchover work properly.

On primary add to listener.ora:

On standby:

In a RAC config, all the local listeners must be configured with the correct SID_NAME running on the host. Make sure to reload the listeners 😉

Creating the SSH tunnels

There must be two tunnels open: one that tunnels from on-premises to the cloud and the other that tunnels from the cloud to on-premises.

However, such tunnels can both be created from the on-premises CMAN host that has access to the cloud CMAN host:

in my case, the hostnames are:

Important: with CMAN on a host other than the DB server, the CMAN sshd must be configured to have GatewayPorts set to yes:

After the tunnels are open, any connections to the local CMAN server port 1523 will be forwarded to the remote CMAN port 1522.

Configuring the TNSNAMES to hop through CMAN and SSH tunnel

Both servers must have now one entry for the local database pointing to the actual SCAN (or listener for single instances) and one entry for the remote database pointing to local port 1523 and routing to the remote scan.

On-premises tnsnames.ora:

Cloud tnsnames.ora:

After copying the passwordfile and starting nomount the cloud database, it should be possible from both sides to connect as SYSDBA to both DB_CLOUD and DB_ONPREM.

This configuration is ready for both duplicate from active database and for Data Guard.
I still have to figure out if it works with ZDM, but I think it is a big step towards establishing connection between on-premises and the Oracle Cloud when no VPN or Fast Connect are available.

Duplicate from active database

If the setup is correct, this should work:

Setting up Data Guard

  • Configure broker config files
  • Add and clear the standby logs
  • Start the broker
  • Create the configuration:

    The static connect identifier here is better if it uses the TNSNAMES resolution because each database sees each other differently.

Checking the DG config

A validate first:

Than a switchover, back and forth:


Yes, it is possible to setup a Data Guard between two sites that have no connections except mono-directional SSH. The SSH tunnels allow SQL*Net communication to a remote endpoint. CMAN allows to proxy through a single endpoint to multiple SCAN addresses.

However, do not forget about the ultimate goal that is to migrate your BUSINESS to the cloud, not just the database. Therefore, having a proper communication to the cloud with proper performance, architecture and security is crucial. Depending on your target Cloud database, Zero Downtime Migration or MV2ADB should be the correct and supported solutions.

Install and configure CMAN 19c in the Oracle Cloud, step by step

Installing and configuring CMAN is a trivial activity, but having the steps in one place is better than reinventing the wheel.

Prepare for the install

Download the Oracle Client in the Oracle Database 19c download page.

Choose this one: LINUX.X64_193000_client.zip (64-bit) (1,134,912,540 bytes) , not the one named “LINUX.X64_193000_client_home.zip” because it is a preinstalled home that does not contain the CMAN tools.

Access the OCI Console and create a new Compute instance. The default  configuration is OK, just make sure that it is Oracle Linux 7 🙂

Do not forget to add your SSH Public Key to access the VM via SSH!

Access the VM using

Copy the Oracle Client zip in /tmp using your favorite scp program.

Install CMAN

Follow these steps to install CMAN:


Basic configuration

This will create a CMAN configuration named cman-test. Beware that it is very basic and insecure. Please read the CMAN documentation if you want something more secure or sophisticated.

The advantage of having the TNS_ADMIN outside the Oracle Home is that if you need to patch CMAN, you can do it out-of-place without the need to copy the configuration files somewhere else.

The advantage of using IFILE inside cman.ora, is that you can manage easily different CMAN configurations in the same host without editing directly cman.ora, with the risk of messing it up.

Preparing the start/stop script

Create a file /u01/app/oracle/scripts/cman_service.sh with this content:

This is at the same time ORACLE_HOME agnostic and configuration agnostic.

Make it executable:

and try to start CMAN:

Stop should work as well:

Add the service in systemctl

Open firewall ports

By default, new OL7 images use firewalld. Just open the port 1521 from the public zone:


Bonus: have a smart environment!