A PDB is cloned while in read-write, Data Guard loose its marbles (, ORA-19729)

UPDATE: please check my more recent post about this problem and the information I’ve got at the Oracle Demo Grounds during OOW14: https://www.ludovicocaldara.net/dba/demo-grounds-clone-pdb-rw/

I feel the strong need to blog abut this very recent problem because I’ve spent a lot of time debugging it… especially because there’s no information about this error on the MOS.

For a lab, I have prepared two RAC Container databases in physical stand-by.
Real-time query is configured (real-time apply, standby in read-only mode).

Following the doc, http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/statements_6010.htm#CCHDFDDG, I’ve cloned one local pluggable database to a new PDB and, because Active Data Guard is active, I was expecting the PDB to be created on the standby and its files copied without problems.

BUT! I’ve forgot to put my source PDB in read-only mode on the primary and, strangely:

  • The pluggable database has been created on the primary WITHOUT PROBLEMS (despite the documentation explicitly states that it needs to be read-only)
  • The recovery process on the standby stopped with error.


Now, the primary had all its datafiles (the new PDB has con_id 4):


and the standby was missing the datafiles of the new PDB:


But, on the standby database, the PDB somehow was existing.


I’ve tried to play a little, and finally decided to disable the recovery for the PDB (new in
But to disable the recovery I was needing to connect to the PDB, but the PDB was somehow “inexistent”:


So I’ve tried to drop it, but off course, the standby was read-only and I could not drop the PDB:


Then I’ve shutted down the standby, but one instance hung and I’ve needed to do a shutdown abort (I don’t know if it was related with my original problem..)


After mounting again the standby, the PDB was also accessible:


So I’ve been able to disable the recovery:


Then, on the primary, I’ve took a fresh backup of the involved datafiles:


and I’ve copied and cataloged the copies to the controlfile:


but the restore was impossible, because the controlfile was not knowing these datafiles!!


So I’ve RESTARTED the recovery for a few seconds, and because the PDB had the recovery disabled, the recovery process has added the datafiles and set them offline.


Then I’ve been able to restore the datafiles 🙂


Finally, I’ve enabled again the recovery for the PDB and restarted the apply process.


Lesson learned: if you want to clone a PDB never, ever, forget to put your source PDB in read-only mode or you’ll have to deal with it!! 🙂

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Principal Product Manager at Oracle
Ludovico is a member of the Oracle Database High Availability (HA), Scalability & Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Product Management team in Oracle. He focuses on Oracle Data Guard, Flashback technologies, and Cloud MAA.

7 thoughts on “A PDB is cloned while in read-write, Data Guard loose its marbles (, ORA-19729)

  1. Thanks for sharing this. If I have ADG configured, then how does Oracle handle remote clone? Will it be copied to standby ?

    • Hi Jagjeet, I’m not sure 100% now, but I guess that with release 12.1 a remote clone needs to be threated with a manual copy on the standby as the datafiles are not physically in the same CDB.

  2. Pingback: A PDB is cloned while in read-write, Data Guard loose its marbles (, ORA-19729) - Ludovico Caldara - Blogs - triBLOG

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