RMAN Catalog Housekeeping: how to purge the old incarnations

First, let me apologize because every post in my blog starts with a disclaimer… but sometimes it is really necessary. 😉

Disclaimer: this blog post contains PL/SQL code that deletes incarnations from your RMAN recovery catalog. Please DON’T use it unless you deeply understand what you are doing, as it can compromise your backup and recovery strategy.

Small introduction

You may have a central RMAN catalog that stores all the backup metadata for your databases. If it is the case, you will have a database entry for each of your databases and a new incarnation entry for each duplicate, incomplete recovery or  flashback (or whatever).

You should also have a delete strategy that deletes the obsolete backups from either your DISK or SBT_TAPE media. If you have old incarnations, however, after some time you will notice that their information never goes away from your catalog, and you may end up soon or later to do some housekeeping. But there is nothing more tedious than checking and deleting the incarnations one by one, especially if you have average big numbers like this catalog:

Where db, dbinc, bdf and brl contain reslectively the registered databases, incarnations, datafile backups and archivelog backups.

Different incarnations?

Consider the following query:

You can run it safely: it returns the list of incarnations hierarchically connected to their parent, by database name, key and level.

Then you have several types of behaviors:

  • Normal databases (created once, never restored or flashed back) will have just one or two incarnations (it depends on how they are created):

They are usually the ones that you may want to keep in your catalog, unless the database no longer exist: in this case perhaps you omitted the deletion from the catalog when you have dropped your database?

  • Flashed back databases (flashed back multiple times) will have as many incarnations as the number of flashbacks, but all connected with the incarnation prior to the flashback:

Here, despite you have several incarnations, they all belong to the same database (same DB_KEY and DBID), then you must also keep it inside the recovery catalog.

  • Non-production databases that are frequently refreshed from the production database (via duplicate) will have several incarnations with different DBIDs and DB_KEY:

This is usually the most frequent case: here you want to delete the old incarnations, but only as far as there are no backups attached to them that are still in the recovery window.

  • You may also have orphaned incarnations:

In this case, again, it depends whether the DBID and DB_KEY are the same as the current incarnation or not.

What do you need to delete?


  • Incarnations of databases that no longer exist
  • Incarnations of existing databases where the database has a more recent current incarnation, only if there are no backups still in the retention window

How to do it?

In order to be sure 100% that you can delete an incarnation, you have to verify that there are no recent backups (for instance, no backups more rercent than the current recovery window for that database). If the database does not have a specified recovery window but rather a default “CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; # default”, it is a bit more problematic… in this case let’s assume that we consider “old” an incarnation that does not backup since 1 year (365 days), ok?

Getting the last backup of each database

Sadly, there is not a single table where you can verify that. You have to collect the information from several tables. I think bdf, al, cdf, bs would suffice in most cases.

When you delete an incarnation you specify a db_key: you have to get the last backup for each db_key, with queries like this:

Putting together all the tables:

Getting the  recovery window

The configuration information for each database is stored inside the conf table, but the retention information is stored in a VARCHAR2, either ‘TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF % DAYS’ or ‘TO REDUNDANCY %’

You need to convert it to a number when the retention policy is recovery windows, otherwise you default it to 365 days wher the redundancy is used. You can add a column and a join to the query:

and eventually, either display if it the incarnation is no more used or filter by usage:

Delete the incarnations!

You can delete the incarnations with this procedure:

This procedure will raise an exception (-20001, ‘Database not found’) when a database does not exist anymore (either already deleted by this procedure or by another session), so you need to handle it.

Putting all together:

I have used this procedure today for the first time and it worked like a charm.

However, if you have any adjustment or suggestion, don’t hesitate to comment it 🙂


DBMS_QOPATCH, datapatch, rollback, apply force

I am working for a customer on a quite big implementation of Cold Failover Cluster with Oracle Grid Infrastructure on Linux. I hope to have some material to publish soon about it! However, in this post I will be talking about patching the database in a cold-failover environment.

DISCLAIMER: I use massively scripts provided in this great blog post by Simon Pane:


Thank you Simon for sharing this 🙂


We are not yet in the process of doing out-of-place patching; at the moment the customer prefers to do in-place patching:

  • evacuate a node by relocating all the databases on other nodes
  • patching the node binaries
  • move back the databases and patch them with datapatch
  • do the same for the remaining nodes

I beg to disagree with this method, being a fan of having many patched golden copies distributed on all servers and patching the databases by just changing the ORACLE_HOME and running datapatch (like Rapid Home Provisioning does). But, this is the situation today, and we have to live with it.

Initial situation

  • Server 1, 2 and 3: one-off 20139391 applied
  • New database created

cfc_qopatch1When the DBCA creates a new database, in, it does not run datapatch by default, thus, the database does not have any patches installed.

However, this specific one-off patch does not modify anything in the database (sql_patch=false)

and the datapatch runs without touching the db:

Next step: I evacuate the server 2 and patch it, then I relocate my database on it


Now the database is not at the same level of the binaries and need to be patched:

The column CONSTITUENT is important here because it tells us what the parent patch_id is. This is the column that we have to check when we want to know if the patch has been applied on the database.

Now the patch is visible inside the dba_registry_sqlpatch:

Notice that the child patches are not listed in thie view.

Rolling back

Now, one node is patched, but the others are not. What happen if I relocate the patched database to a non-patched node?


The patch is applied inside the database but not in the binaries!

If I run datapatch again, the patch is rolled back:

The patch has been rolled back according to the datapatch, and the action is shown in the dba_registry_sqlpatch:

But if I look at the logfile, the patch had some errors:

Indeed, the patch looks still there:

If I try to run it again, it does nothing/it fails saying the patch is not there:

What does it say on the patched node?

Whaaat? datapatch there says that the patch IS in the registry and there’s nothing to do. Let’s try to force its apply again:


I’m not sure whether it is safe to run the patched database in a non-patched Oracle Home. I guess it is time for a new SR 🙂

Meanwhile, we will try hard not to relocate the databases once they have been patched.



Getting the Oracle Homes in a server from the oraInventory

The information contained in the oratab should always be updated, but it is not always reliable. If you want to know what Oracle installations you have in a server, better to get it from the Oracle Universal Installer or, if you want some shortcuts, do some grep magics inside the inventory with the shell.

The following diagram is a simplified structure of the inventory that shows what entries are present in the central inventory (one per server) and the local inventories (one per Oracle Home).

inventory_structureYou can use this simple function to get some content out of it, including the edition (that information is a step deeper in the local inventory).


How cold incremental recovery saved me once

UPDATE: In the original version I was missing a few keywords: “incremental level 0” for the base backup and “resetlogs” at the database open. Thanks Gregorz for your comments.

Sorry for this “memories” post, but the technical solution at the end is worth the read, I hope 😉

Back in 2010, I was in charge of a quite complex project and faced some difficulties that led me to recover a database in a different manner. A few years have passed, but I used again the same procedure many times with full satisfaction… I think it’s worth to publish it now.

But first, let me introduce the project details and the problem.


Scope of the project

Transport a >1TB RAC database from AIX 5 on P6 to AIX 6 on P7, from a third-party datacenter in southern Italy to our main datacenter in northern Italy.
The Database featured >1000 datafiles and a huge table (800GB) partitioned by range and sub-partitioned by list (or the opposite, can’t remember).



For budget containement, the project owner asked to avoid the use of HACMP (and thus, avoid the use of shared JFS2). I decided  then to take the risk and migrate from JFS2  to ASM.

In order to avoid a few platform-related ASM bugs, I also had to upgrade from Oracle to Oracle



I had no access to the source database that was 800km far from our datacenter, and I was granted only to ask for RMAN backups.

The total time of service disruption accepted was quite short (<30 minutes) considering the size and the distance of the database, and there was no direct connectivity between the sites (for political reasons).

Globally, the network throughput for sharing files over ftp was very poor.


First solution

This kind of move was very common to me, and because I was not grated to ask for a temporary Data Guard configuration, the easy solution for me was to ask:

1 – one RMAN ONLINE full backup physically sent on disk

2 – many RMAN archive backups sent over network (via ftp)

Then, on my side, restore the full backup, recover the archives sent over time and, at the date X, ask a final archive backup, ask to close the db and send the online redo logs to do a complete recovery on my side, then startup open upgrade.



I did a first “dry run” open resetlogs in order to test the procedure and make it faster, and also asked to test the application pointing to the destination database.

The very bad surprise was that the source database was doing a huge amount of nologging inserts leading to monster index corruptions after the recovery on the destination database.

According to the current database maintainer, setting the force logging on the source database was NOT an option because the SAN was not able to cope with the high redo rates.



By knowing the Oracle recovery mechanisms, I have proposed to the remote maintainer to change the recovery strategy, despite this solution was not clearly stated in the Oracle documentation:

1 – Take a first online incremental backup from the begin scn of  the base full backup (thank God block change tracking was in place) and send it physically over disk

2 – Take other smaller online  incremental backups, send them over ftp  and apply them on the destination with “noredo”

3 – At the date X, shutdown the source, mount it and take a last incremental in mount state

4 – recover noredo the last incremental and open resetlogs the database.

According to the documentation, the “cold incremental strategy” applies if you take “cold full backups”. But from a technical point of view, taking a cold incremental and recovering it on top of a fuzzy online backup this is 100% equivalent of taking a full consistent backup in mount state.
Because all the blocks are consistent to a specific SCN, there are no fuzzy datafiles:  they are recovered from incremental taken from a mounted database! This allows to do incremental recovery and open the databases without applying any single archived log and by shutting down the database only once.


Technical steps

First, take a  full ONLINE backup on the source:

Then restore it on the destination (with no recovery):

Then, run a COLD incremental backup on the source:

And run the incremental recovery on the source (without redo):

That’s all!

This solution gave me the opportunity to move physically the whole >1TB nologging database from one region to another one with a minimal service disruption and without touching at all the source database.

I used it many times later on, even for bigger databases and on several platforms (yes, also Windows, sigh), it works like a charm.



Getting the DBID and Incarnation from the RMAN Catalog

Using the RMAN catalog is an option. There is a long discussion between DBAs on whether should you use the catalog or not.

But because I like (a lot) the RMAN catalog and I generally use it, I assume that most of you do it 😉

When you want to restore from the RMAN catalog, you need to get the DBID of the database you want to restore and, sometimes, also the incarnation key.

The DBID is used to identify the database you want to restore. The DBID is different for every newly created / duplicated database, but beware that if you duplicate your database manually (using restore/recover), you actually need to change your DBID using the nid tool, otherwise you will end up by having more than one database registered in the catalog with the very same DBID. This is evil! The DB_NAME is also something that you may want to make sure is unique within your database farm.

The Incarnation Key changes whenever you do an “open resetlogs”, following for example a flashback database, an incomplete recovery, or just a “open resetlogs” without any specific need.

2016-02-15 09_43_34-Sametime Appshare Highlighter

In the image, you can see that you may want to restore to a point in time after the open resetlogs (blue incarnation) or before it (red incarnation). Depending on which one you need to restore, you may need to use the command RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION.


If you have a dynamic and big environment, you probably script your restores procedures, that’s why getting the DBID and incarnation key using the RMAN commands may be more complex than just querying the catalog using sqlplus.

How do I get the history of my database incarnations?

You can get it easily for all your databases using the handy hierarchical queries on the RMAN catalog (db names and ids are obfuscated for obvious reasons):

What about getting the correct DBID/DBINC_KEY pair for a specific database/time?

You can get the time windows for each incarnation using the lead() analytical function:

With this query, you can see that every incarnation has a reset time and a “next reset time”.

It’s easy then to get exactly what you need by adding a couple of where clauses:

So, if I need to restore the database 1465419F until time 2016-01-20 00:00:00, i need to set DBID=1048383773 and reset the database to incarnation 1256014297.



Recording of “Rapid Home Provisioning” webinar for the RAC SIG

Yesterday I have presented the Oracle Rapid Home Provisioning technology for the RAC SIG, you can find the recording on YouTube:



Rapid Home Provisioning

In a few days I will give a presentation at UKOUG Tech15 about Rapid Home Provisioning, it will be the first time that I present this session in public.

I usually like to give the link to the material to my audience, so here we go:





Oracle Database on ACFS: a perfect marriage?

Update: I will give this presentation at UKOUG Tech15, Wed 9 December at 14:30.

This presentation has had a very poor score in selections for conferences (no OOW, no DOAG) but people liked it very much at Paris Oracle Meetup.  The Database on ACFS is mainstream now, thanks to the new ODA releases. Having some knowledge about why and how you should run (not) Databases on ACFS is definitely worth a read.


Demo 1 recording

Demo 2 recording

Demo script (DB ACFS clone from Standby Database)


Comments are, as always, very appreciated 🙂


Migrating Oracle RAC from SuSE to OEL (or RHEL) live

I have a customer that needs to migrate its Oracle RAC cluster from SuSE to OEL.

I know, I know, there is a paper from Dell and Oracle named:

How Dell Migrated from SUSE Linux to Oracle Linux

That explains how Dell migrated its many RAC clusters from SuSE to OEL. The problem is that they used a different strategy:

– backup the configuration of the nodes
– then for each node, one at time
– stop the node
– reinstall the OS
– restore the configuration and the Oracle binaries
– relink
– restart

What I want to achieve instead is:
add one OEL node to the SuSE cluster as new node
– remove one SuSE node from the now-mixed cluster
– install/restore/relink the RDBMS software (RAC) on the new node
– move the RAC instances to the new node (taking care to NOT run more than the number of licensed nodes/CPUs at any time)
– repeat (for the remaining nodes)

because the customer will also migrate to new hardware.

In order to test this migration path, I’ve set up a SINGLE NODE cluster (if it works for one node, it will for two or more).

I have to setup the new node addition carefully, mainly as I would do with a traditional node addition:

  • Add new ip addresses (public, private, vip) to the DNS/hosts
  • Install the new OEL server
  • Keep the same user and groups (uid, gid, etc)
  • Verify the network connectivity and setup SSH equivalence
  • Check that the multicast connection is ok
  • Add the storage, configure persistent naming (udev) and verify that the disks (major, minor, names) are the very same
  • The network cards also must be the very same

Once the new host ready, the cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd will likely fail due to

  • Kernel release mismatch
  • Package mismatch

Here’s an example of output:

So the problem is not if the check succeed or not (it will not), but what fails.

Solving all the problems not related to the difference SuSE-OEL is crucial, because the addNode.sh will fail with the same errors.  I need to run it using -ignorePrereqs and -ignoreSysPrereqs switches. Let’s see how it works:

Then, as stated by the addNode.sh, I run the root.sh and I expect it to work:

Bingo! Let’s check if everything is up and running:

So yes, it works, but remember that it’s not a supported long-term configuration.

In my case I expect to migrate the whole cluster from SLES to OEL in one day.

NOTE: using OEL6 as new target is easy because the interface names do not change. The new OEL7 interface naming changes, if you need to migrate without cluster downtime you need to setup the new OEL7 nodes following this post: http://ask.xmodulo.com/change-network-interface-name-centos7.html

Otherwise, you need to configure a new interface name for the cluster with oifcfg.



Grid Infrastructure 12c: Recovering the GRID Disk Group and recreating the GIMR

Losing the Disk Group that contains OCR and voting files has always been a challenge. It requires you to take regular backups of OCR, spfile and diskgroup metadata.

Since Oracle 12cR1, there are a few additional components you must take care of:

– The ASM password file (if you have Flex ASM it can be quite critical)

– The Grid Infrastructure Management Repository

Why ASM password file is important? Well, you can read this good blog post form my colleague Robert Bialek: http://blog.trivadis.com/b/robertbialek/archive/2014/10/26/are-you-using-oracle-12c-flex-asm-if-yes-do-you-have-asm-password-file-backup.aspx

So the problem here, is not whether you should back them up or not, but how you can restore them quickly.

Assumptions: you back up regularly:

ASM parameter  file:

Oracle Cluster Registry:

ASM Diskgroup Metadata:

ASM password file:

What about the GIMR?

According to the MOS Note: FAQ: 12c Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) (Doc ID 1568402.1), there is no such need for the moment.

Weird, huh? The -MGMTDB itself contains for the moment just the Cluster Health Monitor repository, but expect to see its important increasing with the next versions of Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

If you REALLY want to back it up (even if not fundamental, it is not a bad idea, after all), you can do it.

The -MGMTDB is in noarchivelog by default. You need to either put it in archivelog mode (and set a recovery area, etc etc) or back it up while it is mounted.

Because the Cluster Health Monitor (ora.crf)  depends on it, you have to stop it beforehand:

Then you can operate with -MGMTDB:

Now, imagine that you loose the GRID diskgroup (nowadays, with the ASM Filter Driver, it’s more complex to corrupt a device by mistake, but let’s assume that you do it):

The cluster will not start anymore, you need to disable the crs, reboot and start it in exclusive mode:


Then you can recreate the GRID disk group and restore everything inside it:

Finally, the last missing component: the GIMR.

You can recreate it or restore it (if you backed it up at some point in time).

Let’s see how to recreate it:


Recovering from a lost Disk Group / Cluster is not rocket science. Just practice it every now and then. If you do not have a test RAC, you can build your lab on your laptop using the RAC Attack instructions. If you want to test all the scenarios, the RAC SIG webcast: Oracle 11g Clusterware failure scenarios with practical demonstrations by Kamran Agayev is the best starting point, IMHO. Just keep in mind that Flex ASM and the GIMR add more complexity.

