You may want to check the NEW VERSION of this prompt here.
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export PS1=\u@\h:\w\$ |
I disagree with default bash prompt. Do you? It’s quote common to work with long paths:
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ludovico@host:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin$ \ /nooo/this/command/line/is/really/long/and/offcourse -I \ -will -wrap -my -command -line |
and, when working on multi-database environments I need to check my environment:
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env | grep -i oracle #or echo $ORACLE_SID echo $ORACLE_HOME |
I currently use this prompt, instead:
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export PS1=$'\\n# [ $LOGNAME@\h:$PWD [\\t] [`ohvers` SID:${ORACLE_SID:-"no sid"}] ]\\n# ' # [ ludovico@caldara_2k:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin [23:15:58] [10.2.0 SID:orcl] ] # |
What is ohvers
?? I defined this function to get the version of oracle from my ORACLE_HOME variable:
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ohvers () { echo -n $ORACLE_HOME | sed -n 's/.*\/\([[:digit:].]\+\)\/.*/\1/p' } |
- I have a blank line that separate my prompt from previous output
- I get the system clock (useful when saving my konsole history. Did I say konsole?)
- I can see my Oracle Environment before launching dangerous commands
- I have an empty line to start my endless commands
- I have a lot of sharps “#” : they are fine against wrong copy&paste operations…
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A better version of sed regexp that should work for pre10g-style Oracle Homes:
sed -n ‘s/.*\/\([[:digit:].]\+\)\/*.*/\1/p’