Block Change Tracking and Duplicate: avoid ORA-19755

If you use Block Change Tracking on your production database and try to duplicate it, you there are good possibilities that you will encounter this error:

The problem is caused by the block change tracking file entry that exists in the target controlfile, but Oracle can’t find the file because the directory structure on the auxiliary server changes.

After the restore and recovery of the auxiliary database, the duplicate process tries to open the DB but the bct file doesn’t exist and the error is thrown.

If you do a quick google search you will find several workarounds:

  • disable the block change tracking after you get the error and manually open the auxiliary instance (this prevent the possibility to get the duplicate outcome from the rman return code)
  • disable the BCT on the target before running the duplicate (this forces your incremental backups to read all your target database!)
  • Richard Harrison proposed another workaround, you can read more about it here.

There is another workaround that I like more (and that you can also find as comment in Richard’s post):

  • Disable the Block Change Tracking on the auxiliary while it’s doing the restore/recovery (in mounted status)

(This solutions isn’t coming from me, but as far as I know, the father of this solution is a colleague working at Trivadis.)

You can easily fork a process before running the duplicate command that:

  • loops and checks the auxiliary instance status
  • run the disable as soon as the auxiliary is mounted

I’ve worked out this script that does the job:

Run it  just before the duplicate! e.g.

