In case you want to prepare multiple sets of machines quickly using Vagrant, ready for different setups, this might be something for you:
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## -*- mode: ruby -*- ## vi: set ft=ruby : require 'ipaddr' ############################### # CUSTOM CONFIGURATION START ############################### # lab_name is the name of the lab where all the files will be organized. lab_name = "lab_bigdata" # here is where you download your software, so it will be available to the VMs. sw_path = "C:\\Users\\ludov\\Downloads\\Software" # cluster(s) definition clusters = [ { :prefix => "hadoop", # prefix: VMs will be named prefix01, prefix02, etc :domain => "", # domain name :box => "ludodba/ol7.3-base", # base box, either "ludodba/ol7.3-base" or "ludodba/ubu1604" :nodes => 3, # number of nodes for this cluster :cpu => 1, :mem => 2048, :publan =>""), # public lan for the cluster :publan_start => 121 # starting IP, each VM will increment it by one }, { :prefix => "kafka", # eventually, continue with another cluster! :domain => "", :box => "ludodba/ol7.3-base", :nodes => 1, :cpu => 1, :mem => 2048, :publan =>""), :publan_start => 131 }, { :prefix => "postgres", :domain => "", :box => "ludodba/ubu1604", :nodes => 1, :cpu => 1, :mem => 2048, :publan =>""), :publan_start => 141 } ] ############################### # CUSTOM CONFIGURATION END ############################### ###################################################### # Extending Class IPAddr to add the CIDR to the lan class IPAddr def to_cidr_s if @addr mask = @mask_addr.to_s(2).count('1') "#{to_s}/#{mask}" else nil end end end # extend class IPAddr ######## # MAIN # ######## Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.ssh.username = "root" # my boxes are password based for simplicity config.ssh.password = "vagrant" config.vm.graceful_halt_timeout = 360 # in case you install grid infra... do not force shutdown after a few seconds if # our shared folder for oracle 12c installation files (uid 54320 is grid, uid 54321 is oracle) config.vm.synced_folder sw_path, "/media/sw", :mount_options => ["dmode=775","fmode=775","uid=54322","gid=54328"] end # looping through each cluster (0..(clusters.length-1)).each do |cluid| # assign variable clu to current cluster, for convenience clu = clusters[cluid] # looping through each node in the cluster (1..(clu[:nodes])).each do |nid| # let's start from the last node (see RAC Attack automation for the reason) :-) nid = clu[:nodes]+1-nid config.vm.define vm_name = "#{clu[:prefix]}%02d" % nid do |cnf| # set the right box for the VM = clu[:box] if (clu[:box_version]) then cnf.vm.box_version = clu[:box_version] end #if # the new vm name vm_name = "#{clu[:prefix]}%02d" % nid fqdn = "#{vm_name}.#{clu[:domain]}" cnf.vm.hostname = "#{fqdn}" # incrementing public ip for the cluster pubip = clu[:publan].|(clu[:publan_start]+nid-1).to_s cnf.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| #vb.linked_clone = true # in case you want thin provisioning. read the vagrant doc before setting it = vm_name vb.gui = false vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", clu[:mem]] vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", clu[:cpu]] vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--groups", "/#{lab_name}/#{clu[:prefix]}"] end #config.vm.provider # Configuring virtualbox network for #{pubip} :private_network, ip: pubip end #config.vm.define end #loop nodes end #loop clusters end #Vagrant.configure |
The nice thing, (beside speeding up the creation and basic configuration) is the organization of the directories. The configuration at the beginning of the script will result in 5 virtual machines:
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your VM directory |- lab_bigdata |- hadoop |- hadoop01 (ol7) |- hadoop02 (ol7) |- hadoop03 (ol7) |- kafka |- kafka01 (ol7) |- postgres |- postgres01 (ubuntu 16.04) |
It is based, in part (but modified and simplified a lot), from the RAC Attack automation scripts by Alvaro Miranda.
I have a more complex version that automates all the tasks for a full multi-cluster RAC environment, but if this is your requirement, I would rather check oravirt scripts on github ( . They are much more powerful and complete (and complex…) than my Vagrantfile. 🙂
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